Warning Signs of Teen Drug and Alcohol Use

Decisions your teen makes now can impact them for life. Spotting these warning signs can help you guide your teen towards healthy choices.
Decisions your teen makes now can impact them for life. Spotting these warning signs can help you guide your teen towards healthy choices.
It can be tough to tell the difference between normal teen behavior and signs of a problem. The following signs can help you spot problems before they get out of control.
For more, visit the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) and the Partnership™ for Drug-Free Kids.
Staying involved in your teen’s life has the added benefit of letting you know what they’re doing. Sharing meals together, or volunteering at school or sports are good ways to have conversations in natural settings. Make time to be together, have conversations as a family, and ask questions often.
When you know what’s going on in your teen’s life, it’s easier to tell when things are changing or going wrong. Know your teen’s schedule. Ask how scheduled activities went. Get to know their friends, and talk with their friend’s parents. Staying connected keeps you in the know.
While your teens deserve your trust, they also deserve your commitment to helping them stay on track and making good decisions. Say rules out loud, so you know your teen knows them, and be consistent in how you enforce them. Set a curfew, and make sure it is followed.
Don’t give your teen access to substances. Refuse to give them alcohol, and ask their friend’s parents to do the same. If you keep alcohol, prescription medications or cannabis in your home, keep them securely locked up somewhere your teen does not have access to.