Why is My Child At Risk for Misusing Drugs and Alcohol?

It can be hard for parents to know when their teens are at risk for substance use, but ParentUp can help. Learning risks from a parent helps teens make safe decisions.
It can be hard for parents to know when their teens are at risk for substance use, but ParentUp can help. Learning risks from a parent helps teens make safe decisions.
Early years are full of growing, thinking and experimenting. You can’t change whether your teen will hear about substances, but by giving them factual information you can affect their choices. They need to know the risks, and they need to hear them from you.
Check out the full survey results on the Vermont Department of Health website.
For open, reality-based conversations with your teen, you need to have good information. These statistics can help you explain what’s at stake.
This stimulant can have permanent effects on developing brains. It can cause mood disorders, as well as changes to memory and learning. Nicotine also creates pathways for addiction in the brain, making addiction to other substances more likely.
Just because they come from a doctor doesn’t mean they’re risk-free. Misuse of prescription pain medication kills more people annually than cocaine and heroin combined.11 Even commonly prescribed ADD or ADHD medications can be misused.
It’s common for issues that affect emotional or mental wellbeing to arise during the teenage years.12 Roughly 1 in 5 teens experience depression.13 Up to 24 million Americans suffer from an eating disorder. LGBTQ youth may be even more vulnerable.14
Don’t panic. With early intervention, many mental wellness concerns can be treated.
There are many factors that can affect emotional and mental wellbeing, including:
Teens turn to drugs and alcohol for many complex reasons, like behavioral health issues, genetics, trauma or issues like:
When teens self medicate with alcohol or other substances, it can lead to harmful long-term effects.
Almost half of kids with untreated mental wellness disorders will develop a substance use disorder.
Check in with your child regularly. Having open conversations can help them navigate their feelings and mental wellness. You can help them see that using substances comes with risks and downsides.
As parents, it’s important to check our beliefs to make sure we’re working with the facts. That way, we can give our teens the information they need to navigate through today’s complex world. You are your child’s No. 1 influence, so you need to be sure you’re sharing the right information.
Most children respond to clear rules and consequences, choosing not to drink if they feel their parents would consider it “very wrong.” When asked, 80% of teens think their parents should have a say in whether they drink alcohol.15
Adolescents who drink before age 15 are 4 times more likely to develop alcohol dependence than those who begin drinking at age 21. That drops to below 10% for those who begin after age 21.16
The effects of underage and binge drinking are just as dangerous at home. Your child may have friends that are taking medications or have a history of dependence—details you will not know in advance. Alcohol use kills 6.5 times more youths than all other illegal drugs combined.17
There is growing evidence that the THC in cannabis (also known as marijuana) comes with risks, especially for adolescent brains that are still developing.18 It can limit judgment and self-control, damage the brain and body, and keep teens from doing their best in school, work and life learning.
When people say “you can’t die from cannabis,” it’s because they’re thinking of death as a direct result of the drug. Many people do get hurt and even die as a result of cannabis’s effects on judgment and coordination. Using cannabis while driving more than doubles the risk of getting into a crash.
According to the Partnership™ for Drug-Free Kids 2012 Partnership Attitude Tracking Study, more people die from abusing prescription pain medication than cocaine and heroin combined.24
A big part of the rise of vaping is that many people thought it was safe. We now know that isn’t true. The nicotine in vape pods can be as much as a pack of cigarettes. Kids who vape are 4 times more likely to start smoking cigarettes.25 The long-term effects of vaping are still unknown.
The nicotine in vapes and other tobacco products can prime young brains for addiction to other drugs, such as cocaine and methamphetamine.26
If you smoke, the odds of your child becoming a smoker nearly triples compared to kids whose parents don’t smoke.27